My Throwback Moments as Well Being Leader for IBM Club
I still recollect the few quarters I took up the role of IBMs Well Being Club Leader , I was extremely passionate to onboard programs like Yoga, Zumba , Mindfulness through Art and many other programs that deemed fit for IBM Employees.That what was key driver and my intention to help employees to restore their well being and rejuvenate themselves.It was like a dream come true.I was on a sabbatical and joined back in Oct 2015 and thats when I spent time setting up a few initiatives. Today I look back and feel great about the progress and accomplishment as a Founder of Srishti Vataa Healing Arts & Wellness centre . We have been able to influence over 10.000’s over the internet through our content and various collaborations and having over 3.5K subscribers across channels interested in well being .

We had fun gaining the experience of running big ticket events – IBM Run to Zumbathon to Hackathons for skills upgradation ..under Employee engagement initiatives.
A few Lessons I learnt from this existing model :
1-There is life beyond work and work-life balance is so important
2-Especially for Developers and Software Engineers or those functions like finance, business operations do feel their jobs are so mundane and monotonous that there was nothing to improvise except when it came to processes and tools such initiatives are extremely energising and compelling reason to participate.
3-To each one -their own medicine So it was important for us to segregate activities and streams like Hobbies streams,Sports , Recreation , Arts and Theatre,Academic Excellence etc for employees to find meaningful connections and contribute as a Volunteer or participate in these events.
4-There was a sense of belongingness and employees started bonding beyond work and jobs and started taking up stretch projects on weekends- more than willingly and happily -the reward was to play a game of carrom or participate in a competition in the afternoon at the Cafeteria!
5-Such a win win for company and organisations / business units.
6-We used to look forward to Meditation Fridays or Hackathon Saturdays or Large format Events on weekends for parenting skills or art competitions.
7- Engaging families and kids were a huge bonus factor for Diversity and inclusiveness!
The ROI is huge – low absenteeism , social connections , human connections , more engagement , productivity ,personal brand image and branding for Volunteers and Club leads,high level of Self esteem and self confidence , less conflicts and enhanced collaboration , positive energy and vibes.
Still thinking or considering to explore such Initiatives for your teams? Would love to hear or know your thoughts on this?