How to find your passion using IGIKAI?
Spending your your in self awareness means constructively using it on anything which motivates you and helps create or reinvent yourself or makes you more confidence and living the best version of yourself!
One such self awareness exercise is reading books; they not only help you add to your knowledge but also enable you to concentrate and gain something insightful and build your expertise.
Some books have such powerful content that you feel like they changed your life and one such book is ‘Ikigai’.
I have been using IKIGAI process with my clients to help them discover themselves again and get back into the flow.Sometimes, in the rush to achieve our goals and racing up to corporate game can exhaust you.
Ikigai is a Japanese secret for a long and happy life. The book takes you around true-life stories of men and women living in Okinawa, a small island in the south of Japan, who have essentially lived content over the ages of 100 and how? Where your passion, mission, profession and vocation collide is where you ‘Ikigai’ is born; the purpose of your life, the joy and fulfilment in your daily routine.
I suggest that everyone should try reading and applying this 5 step method during this phase and make it worthwhile your time and energy !
I am attaching a high rise design template for trying your IKIGAI process.
Give me a shout out if you need help in working with introspecting this with you!
