What are your biggest Learnings from life?
“You have got to do your own growing , no matter how tall your grandfather was.”
Irish proverb
When I read this proverb ,for the first time, a few years in a book by #Shishir Srivastava (author of the book) namely “The Eight Powers within you” , it didn’t make sense to me.
When I look back today ,after 8 years, it just made me feel powerful and I honored myself and my soul with immense gratitude. I said what a wise saying by a wise person. I used be carried away by motivational speakers and personal development leaders and entrepreneurs – for eg Vishen Lakhiani Tony Robbins Robin Sharma and many others.
I used to follow whatever strategies and talks and think that oh! they can do the stuff but I cannot because of umpteen reasons I could think of !!
But when I started on my journey to self realization,I got to know one thing..there is something common that we all have within us – It is that Will Power, that divine spark and each one of us are given a new day with an opportunity to learn , reflect , act , unlearn , let go and grow.
And if we keep doing one thing out of this again and again -we can certainly grow. You cant see this in a tangible way , it can be only experienced through your reflections , thought process , behaviours and feelings of happiness, inner tranquility, mental equilibrium, joy.
So I invite each one of you today, is to look within and identify that one big learning or area of growth . write down in one statement – Where has the biggest learning come from, in your life ?
* Does it come from relationships ? Career ? Fitness? Community ? Business ? Profession? and let me know here!
Chances are that the person who has done the qualitative analysis between Becoming and Doing by pausing , reflecting ,regathering their energy and have acted wisely have grown immensely and not the ones who are constantly busy in the act of ‘doing’ …
I’d rather ‘Become’ who I want to ‘BE’ than ‘DO’ the things I don’t wan’t to ‘BE”. That’s what defines my growth and learning.