How I used counselling, NLP and EFT for emotional eating?
Are you constantly Binge Eating ? Do you feel that are you dealing with Self worth issues ? Do you always find yourself justifying your image and identity to people ? Have you been through Body shaming ? If you are nodding to any of these challenges then read on….
I fundamentally believe in tapping on the meridians and unlocking the trapped energies for creating a new association for the neurological pathways . It is possible that any negative or unresourceful behaviours and habits that are carried out at the physical level can be rewired and repatterned with new language , new words and affirmations provided there is a space created for awareness , stillness and pause . When one enters into a deep contemplation and peaceful state of mind , then one is infused with and surrounded with white Light ⚡️⚡️⚡️
Here is a video on How I used EFT Therapy with NLP and counselling for a client who had eating disorders and magic happened when awareness kicked in and realisations that made her feel powerful at the end session !
If you are Interested In joining me for a customised tapping sessions then DM me !