From so many sessions and interactions with clients , I am just what are the first steps you need to follow to get the best results?
Three simple but powerful Keys to Success to obtain outstanding results:
•🔑 # 1: Increase your level of awareness. Understand your stress level, particularly around your finances and your career, and what is causing this stress.
•🔑# 2: Be specific and identify the problem
•🔑# 3: Develop good habits to resolve the problem
Start with your habits ! Review your habits ! Change your habits —-
See the change you want to see in the world 🗺 – Mahatma Gandhi .
What habits would you like to change in your routine or incorporate or delete as of today?
NLP -Neuro linguistic programming Is about changing the way you think about thinking.Thought experiments . Technology that reveals thoughts feelings and actions to be habitual programs open to manipulation .
NLP : The new technology of achievement best introductions to the discipline.
Benefits of NLP are :
Getting motivated
Discovering your mission
Achieving your goals
Creating rapport and strong relationships
Persuasion techniques and strategies
Eliminating fears and phobias
Building self confidence
Creating self appreciation and self esteem
Securing a positive and mental attitude
Achieving peak performance
The 10 Principles of NLP are :
1-Map is not the territory
2-Experience has a structure
3-If one person can do something anyone can learn to do it
4-The mind and body are parts of the same system
5-People already have all the resources they need
6- You cannot not communicate
7- The meaning of your communication is the response you get
8- Underlying every behavior is a positive intention
9-People are always making the best choices available to them
10- If what you are doing isn’t working , do something else .
At this full moon, I AM releasing all that is not in alignment with my greatest and highest good.
I AM choosing to be free. I AM choosing an end to karma by forgiving everyone who has wronged me and asking forgiveness of all whom I have wronged, in all dimensions, on all timelines: past, present and future.
I AM releasing all beliefs, persons and situations, that attempt to blind me to my wholeness and power in all dimensions, on all timelines: past, present and future.
I AM releasing all that distracts me from my life’s purpose, has planned by my soul prior to this incarnation. I willingly let go of all that no longer serves my greatest and highest good in all dimensions, on all timelines: past, present and future.
I AM releasing all beliefs, persons and situations, that have prevented me from seeing the array of abundance and opportunities that continuously flow to me. I AM ready to receive it NOW and allow all I desire to come to me.
I accept control of the circumstances of my life, at the same time surrendering to your divine will. I gratefully receive and accept your guidance.
There is nothing that can prevent me from moving forward. I claim my sovereignty.
I’m a magician and I am not into “woodoo” or “witchcraft”!
But I have been working behind the scenes with my transformational 1:1 coaching with clients to help them unlock & realize their creative , truest potential .Some sessions that I have been taking with young professionals have been truly transformational.
I cherish every client experience and makes me more grateful and make me want to do even more in 2021!
2021 – I cant wait enough for your energetic vibrations! The number 5 ( 2+0+2+1 ) carries the energy of the Akasha or Ether element and connects you to your souls expression and wisdom and truth through the throat.
01+01+2021 is totalling to number 7 ie signifies completion of a Herculean task or tough lessons Saturn taught us around relationships and connecting us back to our roots.
The wisdom that I carry forward from 2020- is that of connecting back to my soul self,reconnecting to earth’s sphere and collective consciousness of Oneness,powerful Experiences & lessons.
As we usher into 2021, we will be called by the cosmic forces to resonate with “Love” and “Light” based energies and frequencies !
The key message from 2020 that stays with me in the now is Learn to create more “magic” and step into your own ‘Power’!
All my clients got a creativity challenge : Draw a Peacock in 5 mins
The world is your stage to perform! How would you like to perform your role in this world?
“It is not in the stars to hold our destiny but in ourselves.” ~ William Shakespeare
Let’s start with the Basics. I wanted to let you all know that finding a purpose or aligning to your life purpose takes time! Whoever told you that it was rocket science is not authetntic …Its a journey and will reveal itself to you only when you intend to committing to discovering yourself.
So I’m sharing a few Basic steps that could lead you to your life purpose :
First, you have to be aware that “what is” is not necessarily the genuine expression of your creative, powerful and true self. You have to begin acknowledging the difference of being mindful of how you live in today, the present moment, and how you constantly project your personal desires in the future which have chances of not turning out real.
2-Be Committed
Show your commitment on working on this present path, made more interesting by the unconscious impulses and discover what it really takes to conquer reactivity. Learn to live intentionally and start expressing the real you.
3-Search for Guidance
To find a new direction, you need to search for proper guidance and gain support for new learning for it is only through this that you will get to discover the authenticity of your life.
4-Go for Clarity
Living on purpose requires you to be clear about your own personality. You need to know what values you uphold and identify your passions, strengths and weaknesses, all of which should be aligned as you claim your life’s purpose together with the intention of serving greater good and meeting humanity’s needs.
5-Render Service
The highest form of life fulfillment stems from serving those around you, driven by your desire to express your purpose after you have finally known your inner self.
6-Take a Step Forward
Commit yourself to your brand new path of living on purpose today and step forward as you create a plan on how to you further develop yourself to become better tomorrow.
7-Be Thankful
At the end of the day, living your life’s purpose boils down on saying thank you and being grateful for being alive, with all the chances of experiencing energy, breath and all of the basic goodness of life.
If you liked what you read- do share or comment in the comments box !
“The cost of dreaming is not money but human emotions, spent luxuriously over the years to keep them alive and fulfilling them.”
Giving up on your dreams is so much easier than going through that rocky road. If you have ever committed yourself to a goal, you know it better than anyone else – it is so difficult. Many people avoid dreaming big. Not because they don’t believe they can achieve them. But it is too much of a risk.
In my professional journey, I met a man who knew no fear of following his dreams. He was one of those inspiring personalities who led me to believe in my dreams. And I thought, why keep such a gem just to myself and not share with you guys. So, brace yourself up, for I bring you an exclusive interview with Dravid Seetharam and my learnings from the digital meet.
Is Risk Unavoidable?
Of all the useful advice and pieces of wise words shared by him, I was drawn towards “the risk factor” the most. Risk is unavoidable, especially when you are doing something offbeat. But doesn’t it make things more engaging and exciting?
One of the ways I see dreams is like a game. A game divided into different levels and stages with many boss stages, catapulting you into a new environment with an evolved understanding of the world, more zeal, and of course, improved skillset. In the end, the reward is so so so beautiful that you can’t resist the temptation but pursue it to the end of the world.
Dreams are intoxicating; they change your reality each time you conquer your long-term and short-term goals. You will take time to understand the risks and challenges you might face at each stage of your dream journey. However, I bring you the 4 most identifiable challenges that you will be facing in your quest. With the “tadka” of some fantastic tips, let’s see what they are and how to manage those risks.
There is no doubt that you will have to confront some situations when your relationships are put at stake. The bigger the dream, the more significant is the risk. And what would be more threatening than losing the people you love or people that love and care for you?
Life has it’s way to help you evolve. All things that happen in life are about going for your destiny, which doesn’t consider people around us. It understands people that love would stick and people who don’t would exit and make way for the right people in life.
We all have emotional baggage. We associate with people that don’t believe in our dreams and do not support us in our journey. Rather than seeing your efforts, people would blame you for temporary hiccups such as time and instability.
When our elders said you must associate with the right people, they were right. But so are the people who are not understanding your problems. People want different things in their life, and you cannot judge anybody for being non-supportive. It is merely about associating with the people that would help them support their dreams. Before you associate with people, know them before you make any long-term commitments. And if you have to let go, let go and don’t regret it because you and they would be happy.
You have to forget about sleep, you will have to give up your comfort, and you would have to double up your mental and physical workload to achieve your dreams. And it is only a start. Success comes at a cost, but it will compensate for all the troubles it has caused you when it comes.
People like Indra Nooyi are known to sleep only 4 hours a day, and their success is magical. Sleeping patterns of people can affect their health. But train your body by increasing the workload a little at a time.
Having a schedule is the best way to ensure that your health is least affected by your increased workload. If you would regularly go to bed at a particular time and get up at one, your body would become ready for it, and it would support your decision. Giving random challenges to it is dangerous.
3. Finance
Dreaming big, flying high is going to cost you, this time even financially. Most dreams require you to invest in some resources. Resources cost, but can you avoid it. Of course, you must plan your finances well and understand the practical grounds of how much you would burn to reach a scalable number.
We know entrepreneurs who started their own ventures using their life savings. And they worked hard to make sure they are least affected by the financial losses. In fact, even your first win might have to be reinvested in the business to help it grow. Ensure that you voluntarily don’t take any financial burden before you achieve your dream, or if you have one, try finding multiple income sources to start saving for your goal.
4. Emotions
Dreams will cost you, emotionally, go back to our opening line. It will empty you inside out. It will duly need every ounce of positivity and motivation you have in your body to fulfill your dreams. That is a big gap between your desired future and your present circumstances. You have become so much used to your current situation you might just not want to change it. But–But do you feel the pain in your heart to live a life you don’t love.
Well, then go out and take over the world. No matter how risky the road is, go out and at least try. And each time you fail and feel you are about to give up, rest but not stop because it is all worth it in the end.
In the end…
A.P.J Abdul Kalam, in his speech, asked, “You want to be you or everybody else?” If you’re going to live your own life as a stranger who regrets not taking the chances when they could, then you can forget about what we said.
A true dreamer would trust himself and take the chances to reach his/her dream. And again, there is no easy road to success. You have to go through the risky dungeons. Not a single personality would become what they are if they didn’t dare to make difficult choices and take risks. Just open your eyes to the challenges you might face, have a contingency plan, and you will be fine.
There are different kinds of Reiki techniques.Did you know that ?
There are five of them to be exact, and they are:
– Jikiden Reiki (Eastern Method)
– Usui Reiki (Western Method)
– Karuna Reiki
– Lighterian Reiki
– Sekhem or Seichem Reiki
Although Jikiden and Western Reiki both share the same roots, which is Mikao Urui’s original Reiki, they do have quite a lot of differences. Western Reiki inte- grated other ideas and practices from other spiritual practices and religions, and also left out some traditional elements.
On the other hand, Jikiden Reiki remains pretty much traditional, just like how Usui practiced it. It is only natural that when Reiki spread to other countries and cultures, that it got some of the traditions and practices of the places it went through.
It is also quite possible that if the original, traditional form of Reiki is strictly enforced and adhered to, that it would not be as popular as it is today, and there would only be a handful of legit Reiki practitioners in the world today. Jikiden and Usui Reiki could be described as spiritual healing methods, but the truth is that they actually physical treatments. To perform any kind of Reiki, the practitioner needs to “radiate energy and light” from all parts of his/her body, espe- cially in the hands, which guides and transfers the energy to the patient.
All of this is done without actual physical contact. When a trained Reiki practitioner properly transfers “radiated” energy, the physical symptoms of certain minor health conditions, like a toothache, will only take a couple of minutes to subside and become more bearable. Reiki treatment can also help reduce the discomfort brought about by cuts, bruises, headaches, backaches, and recovering from surgical wounds. Speaking of surgery, Reiki can also help speed up the recovery time of surgery.
The objective of transferring energy from the practitioner to the client is the help alleviate, minimize, or completely remove any physical pain or discomfort, and then work on healing the affected area. Aside from physical pain, Reiki can also help with any emotional or psychological pain the patient might be experiencing.
Speeds up the healing process of injuries and wounds from surgery :
•Does not require you to switch religions
•Helps deal with bad habits and mental issues, like self-judgment, self-pity, addictions, etc.
•Assists in alleviating causes of addiction, and also helps patients cope with withdrawal symptoms
•It is effective in alleviating physical weakness, and it can even help treat trauma
Source : “From the Book of Akashic Records Reiki Energy healing your sacred wounds”
Health for most individuals nowadays is more a question of what physical issue you don’t have than really being ‘completely’ healthy. But true health is now more and more being considered to be much more than simply having physical health.
Essentially, it means having a balanced, natural life – or what may be called an organic life, where physical, emotional, mental and spiritual health facets are of the essence in maintaining the individuals overall health and wellbeing.
Have you ever heard of Qi Gong?
Qigong (also spelled Ch’i Kung) is a potent system of healing and energy medicine from China. It’s the art and science of utilizing breathing methods, gentle movement, and meditation to clean, fortify, and circulate the life energy (qi).
How about binaural beats?
Binaural beats are sounds that are supposed to stimulate the brain in specific ways. These sounds have been claimed to help induce relaxation, meditation, creativity and other desirable mental states.
Do you know anything about holographic healing?
Holographic healing is a system that helps us to identify the unconscious patterns and power constrictions that underlie any issues that we might have in our lives.
Have you heard about magnetic therapy?
Physical impairment, like spinal cord injury (SCI), multiple sclerosis (MS), and post polio syndrome, frequently aggravates a lot of ailments that are amenable to magnetic therapy, a progressively popular alternative medicine mode.
Have you ever heard of Crystal Healing? Crystal therapy or crystal healing is a sort of vibrational medicine. Crystal therapy necessitates the application of crystals or gemstones to help healing. Gemstones hold spiritual and healing attributes that may be tapped into an assortment of ways.
What about ear candling? Ear Candling is a process that goes back as far as biblical times, when hollow reeds from swamp regions were used as candles. It has been passed down for numerous generations by the North and South American natives, in addition to the Egyptian, African, Oriental and European cultures.
If you have never heard of any of these techniques, you may be missing out on a large part of health and wellness. There are even more than the ones mentioned here so it would be to your best interest to investigate further.
I hold workshops and classes related to some of these therapies.
If anything in particular interests you then you can reach out to me using the Contact Me page!
Calcite is a powerful amplifier and cleanser of energy. Simply having Calcite in the room cleans negative energies from the environment and heightens your energy. Within the body, it removes stagnant energy. The spectrum of colors cleans the physical and subtle bodies. Calcite is an active crystal, speeding up development and growth.
This is a spiritual stone linked to the higher consciousness that facilitates the opening of higher awareness and psychic abilities, channeling, and out-of-body experiences. It accelerates spiritual development and allows the soul to remember experiences when it returns to the body.
Psychologically, Calcite connects the emotions with the intellect, creating emotional intelligence. Calcite has a positive effect, especially where someone has lost hope or motivation. It combats laziness, aiding in becoming more energetic on all levels.
Source : Crystal vaults
Mentally, Calcite calms the mind, teaches discernment and analysis, stimulates insights, and boosts memory. It facilitates knowing which information is important, and then retaining it.
Calcite confers the ability to change ideas into action.
It is a useful stone for study for students. Calcite alleviates emotional stress and replaces it with serenity. It is a stabilizing stone, enhancing trust in oneself and strengthening the ability to overcome setbacks. On a subtle level, a layout of the appropriate colors of Calcite cleanses, balances, and energizes all the chakras*.
HEALING Calcite cleanses the organs of Elimination. It encourages calcium uptake in bones but dissolves calcifications, strengthening the skeleton and joints. It alleviates intestinaI and skin conditions. CaIcite stimulates blood clotting and tissue healing. It fortifies the immune system and can encourage growth in small children.
Calcite works quickly as an elixir and can be applied to the skin, ulcers, warts, and suppurating wounds. At a subtle level, Calcite cleans and reenergizes the chakras*.
Hold or place as appropriate. Wear as a pendant. Can be used to grid around a bed. Use as gem essence.
Orange Calcite is a highly energizing and cleansing stone, especially for the lower chakras’. Orange Calcite balances the emotions, removes fear, and overcomes depression. It dissolves problems and maximizes potential.
This stone heals the reproductive system, gallbladder, and intestinal disorders such as irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), and removes mucus from the system.
Yellow or Golden Calcite is a great eliminator and stimulates the will. Its energy, especially as an elixir, is uplifting. It enhances meditation, inducing a deep state of relaxation and spirituality and linking to the highest source of spiritual guidance. It stimulates the higher mind. Use at the crown and solar plexus chakras.
Golden Calcite has an extremely expansive energy. You can use the pendulum to release or for divine guidance and align your chakras especially Manipura and crown chakra.
I undertake Emotional management and creative problem solving skills through mandala art workshops
Did you know facilitating a mandala art workshop is equally immersive process and so therapeutic to the mind and to the soul as it is for the participants !
It gives immense satisfaction when I started on my journey- I never knew I would do art and design thinking workshops that was probably my calling to combine spiritual art and human emotions design and mandala art to help professionals and leaders to discover themselves better and their strengths through this method !
I feel super excited and grateful when I see these throwback pics and memories that is a reassurance to anyone who had never explored facilitation before !!
From a recent workshop with L&OD Sr folks on Gratitude Mandala art
I was into hard core digital biz operations and marketing roles and never imagined I could be doing something like this !
Today, as a thanksgiving week , I want to share six tips or hacks from my art workshops – how to manage self emotions through mandala art and see if it helps you !!
1-Think of a goal or situation at hand
2-Now evaluate in your mind or through journaling whether this can be solved by your own resources or you need someone’s help to understand or solve it ?
3-Now pause , reflect deeper and see whether it is a real problem or it was perceived that way? Is it a reality or was it a creation of your mind or emotions ?
4- Now draw a mandala or color a mandala and forget about the problem and situation
5-After colouring or drawing – check if you had any passing thought or feeling that aroused a solution or creative way to solve the problem / situation ?
6-Note the thoughts or feelings down in a paper or diary and sleep over it !
You will notice you may get inspirations over the day or week to the same situation or problem as you detach or divert yourself and your mind from this situation ! That’s the magic of creatively solving problems and staying detached !
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