Are you listening to your soul’s call?

There are times when life puts you at crossroads. For some reason, when mine put me in one such situation, I just whispered to myself, “Two roads diverged in a wood, and I—I took the one less traveled by, and that has made all the difference.” ~ Robert Frost, Road Not Taken.
It is one of my favourite poems that reminds me that there is a purpose of being for each of us. Every day, every waking moment (and even when you are in a sweet slumber), your soul tries to communicate with you of the void it is feeling. Questions such as “Who was I born to be?” “What is my purpose here?” “Why do I feel incomplete even after so many accomplishments?” would haunt many. Some chose to play deaf to the soul’s call, and some people like my next guest on Warriors of Change, Mrs. Ashu Khanna, act upon it.
Mrs. Ashu Khanna is a globally celebrated Leadership and Life Coach and a writer of four best-seller self-development books. In a life-threatening encounter with bees (yes! life has different ways to wake you up), she realized it was time she stops existing and starts living. And that indeed made all the difference. All it takes is listening to that alarming voice of your soul and acting upon it.
What is my destiny?
Uffff… Destiny! How do you explain it? How do you find it? It is a bit confusing and sometimes gimmicky. But honestly, it is just because no other person can tell you what your destiny is. It is a self-discovery process. People can support you, and let me warn you, at the start of the journey, you will find yourself lost, nothing would make sense, and you would feel right inside. But, when you would look around,… how do I say, everything would seem uncertain.
On one hand, you have been so numb to your destiny’s call, and suddenly, when you wake up, you are bound to become sensitive to the things around you. We, humans, create relationships, life, and work around us. Suddenly, it dawns upon you it’s not worth it, and you embark on a new journey altogether. It will be difficult.
How can you be sure it would work for you?
When we are born to do something and be something as per our life’s design or destiny, you will be gifted with all the talent, strengths, and skills to fulfill it. I remember a line from the Holy Bible, which makes a lot of sense here:
“No temptation has seized you that isn’t common for people. But God is faithful. He won’t allow you to be tempted beyond your abilities. Instead, with the temptation, God will also supply a way out so that you will be able to endure it.” ~ 1 Corinthians (10:13)
Simply put, life and God would not give you a test bigger than you can brave. You are born with talents and gifts that would help you endure your journey to find yourself. In fact, these set-ups are so powerful that it would even weave an environment around you that enables you to realize it and be what you are destined to be. We would find people and resources that would help us fulfill our destiny.
Is everything predestined?
So, your soul has a plan for you. And when you are born, life showers you with innate gifts, collaborates you with the right people, and offers resources to evolve yourself and fulfill your destiny. So, do you not have any control over anything in life? And if not, how can you be sure you have created it at all.
As per my understanding, humans are born free. Your soul might have a plan for you, but as a being, you have a choice to follow it and be it, or you ditch it entirely or partially. Isn’t it beautiful? You can change the course of life anytime you want. However, what would make you feel complete? What would nourish your soul throughout life for it to become happy? You might have a plan for you, but not every time you can compete with the “perfect” plan destiny has got for you.
It is a deeply meaningful plan that would make sense all your life. It has short-term and long-term goals for you and short-term and long-term benefits to keep you enthusiastic all throughout life.
Should You Take a Leap of Faith Then?
If anything can explain what destiny is, I would say it is a dream of your soul for you. It is what you are meant to be. It is hopeful, joyous, and profoundly satisfying and gives meaning to your whole being.
There are sciences such as palmistry that say before we are born, our life’s design gets imprinted on our palms and fingers, and by reading it, we can understand what we are born for. Not endorsing anything here, but humans have tried to make sense of their being for thousands of years. Dissatisfaction from your actions, especially the goods one, and a void that gets bigger and bigger each day. We have been trying to find the meaning of life for eternity.
Would it be easy to follow my destiny?
What was ever easy? It is our zeal for survival and finding happiness that gives us the boost of positivity. If we were to get frightened by the challenges and failures, I would say we would not have been the keepers of the world. We would not have created the wonders we see today. That includes everything physical and non-physical.
Somewhere, sometime, someone was frightended to call upon his destiny. But when he did, he created electricity, Similarly, the skyscrapers, the space stations everything in this world and outside. In different parts of this world, people had it imprinted in their destiny, and they believed in fulfilling it; it gave them happiness and that changed the world for the better.
So was decided for you by your soul’s calling. You would never be ready outside, but always be ready inside. Take one step that would alter the world around you, change your life, and people who get in touch with the wonders you create. In the end, focus on nourishing your soul with happiness, leave the details for the universe.
Watch my interview with India’s best coach and hear her wisdom :
Ashu khanna can be reached via a tweet away : @coachashukhanna Website :
You can check out her books here !
To that .. with love and Reverence :
I am .. Life is … :
I am freedom :
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