If you dare to dream big, dare to risk too.
“The cost of dreaming is not money but human emotions, spent luxuriously over the years to keep them alive and fulfilling them.”
Giving up on your dreams is so much easier than going through that rocky road. If you have ever committed yourself to a goal, you know it better than anyone else – it is so difficult. Many people avoid dreaming big. Not because they don’t believe they can achieve them. But it is too much of a risk.
In my professional journey, I met a man who knew no fear of following his dreams. He was one of those inspiring personalities who led me to believe in my dreams. And I thought, why keep such a gem just to myself and not share with you guys. So, brace yourself up, for I bring you an exclusive interview with Dravid Seetharam and my learnings from the digital meet.
Is Risk Unavoidable?
Of all the useful advice and pieces of wise words shared by him, I was drawn towards “the risk factor” the most. Risk is unavoidable, especially when you are doing something offbeat. But doesn’t it make things more engaging and exciting?
One of the ways I see dreams is like a game. A game divided into different levels and stages with many boss stages, catapulting you into a new environment with an evolved understanding of the world, more zeal, and of course, improved skillset. In the end, the reward is so so so beautiful that you can’t resist the temptation but pursue it to the end of the world.
Dreams are intoxicating; they change your reality each time you conquer your long-term and short-term goals. You will take time to understand the risks and challenges you might face at each stage of your dream journey. However, I bring you the 4 most identifiable challenges that you will be facing in your quest. With the “tadka” of some fantastic tips, let’s see what they are and how to manage those risks.
- Relationships
There is no doubt that you will have to confront some situations when your relationships are put at stake. The bigger the dream, the more significant is the risk. And what would be more threatening than losing the people you love or people that love and care for you?
Life has it’s way to help you evolve. All things that happen in life are about going for your destiny, which doesn’t consider people around us. It understands people that love would stick and people who don’t would exit and make way for the right people in life.
We all have emotional baggage. We associate with people that don’t believe in our dreams and do not support us in our journey. Rather than seeing your efforts, people would blame you for temporary hiccups such as time and instability.
When our elders said you must associate with the right people, they were right. But so are the people who are not understanding your problems. People want different things in their life, and you cannot judge anybody for being non-supportive. It is merely about associating with the people that would help them support their dreams. Before you associate with people, know them before you make any long-term commitments. And if you have to let go, let go and don’t regret it because you and they would be happy.
You have to forget about sleep, you will have to give up your comfort, and you would have to double up your mental and physical workload to achieve your dreams. And it is only a start. Success comes at a cost, but it will compensate for all the troubles it has caused you when it comes.
People like Indra Nooyi are known to sleep only 4 hours a day, and their success is magical. Sleeping patterns of people can affect their health. But train your body by increasing the workload a little at a time.
Having a schedule is the best way to ensure that your health is least affected by your increased workload. If you would regularly go to bed at a particular time and get up at one, your body would become ready for it, and it would support your decision. Giving random challenges to it is dangerous.
3. Finance
Dreaming big, flying high is going to cost you, this time even financially. Most dreams require you to invest in some resources. Resources cost, but can you avoid it. Of course, you must plan your finances well and understand the practical grounds of how much you would burn to reach a scalable number.
We know entrepreneurs who started their own ventures using their life savings. And they worked hard to make sure they are least affected by the financial losses. In fact, even your first win might have to be reinvested in the business to help it grow. Ensure that you voluntarily don’t take any financial burden before you achieve your dream, or if you have one, try finding multiple income sources to start saving for your goal.
4. Emotions
Dreams will cost you, emotionally, go back to our opening line. It will empty you inside out. It will duly need every ounce of positivity and motivation you have in your body to fulfill your dreams. That is a big gap between your desired future and your present circumstances. You have become so much used to your current situation you might just not want to change it. But–But do you feel the pain in your heart to live a life you don’t love.
Well, then go out and take over the world. No matter how risky the road is, go out and at least try. And each time you fail and feel you are about to give up, rest but not stop because it is all worth it in the end.
In the end…
A.P.J Abdul Kalam, in his speech, asked, “You want to be you or everybody else?” If you’re going to live your own life as a stranger who regrets not taking the chances when they could, then you can forget about what we said.
A true dreamer would trust himself and take the chances to reach his/her dream. And again, there is no easy road to success. You have to go through the risky dungeons. Not a single personality would become what they are if they didn’t dare to make difficult choices and take risks. Just open your eyes to the challenges you might face, have a contingency plan, and you will be fine.
Watch the interview here on IGTV :
Seetharam can be reached at his blog : https://medium.com/@sdravida
He is also a Fellow leader at Centre Global Enterprise :
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