I’m a magician and I am not into “woodoo” or “witchcraft”!
But I have been working behind the scenes with my transformational 1:1 coaching with clients to help them unlock & realize their creative , truest potential .Some sessions that I have been taking with young professionals have been truly transformational.
I cherish every client experience and makes me more grateful and make me want to do even more in 2021!
2021 – I cant wait enough for your energetic vibrations! The number 5 ( 2+0+2+1 ) carries the energy of the Akasha or Ether element and connects you to your souls expression and wisdom and truth through the throat.
01+01+2021 is totalling to number 7 ie signifies completion of a Herculean task or tough lessons Saturn taught us around relationships and connecting us back to our roots.
The wisdom that I carry forward from 2020- is that of connecting back to my soul self,reconnecting to earth’s sphere and collective consciousness of Oneness,powerful Experiences & lessons.
As we usher into 2021, we will be called by the cosmic forces to resonate with “Love” and “Light” based energies and frequencies !
The key message from 2020 that stays with me in the now is Learn to create more “magic” and step into your own ‘Power’!
All my clients got a creativity challenge : Draw a Peacock in 5 mins
The world is your stage to perform! How would you like to perform your role in this world?
Some of the metaphysical and healing properties of lava rock or basalt
Brings physical and mental strength and courage
Raises energy levels
1-Increases Libido
2-Calms emotions
3-Enhances Creativity
4-Brings Stability
5-Helps with anger management
6-Considered to be a fertility stone for women
7-Considered to be anti-bacterial, anti-viral and disinfectant
8-Cleanses Negativity.
Perfect way to wear lava stone as it should typically, be worn in a way that it touches the skin directly, such as the bracelets and necklaces, so nothing will block the absorption of energy.Stone is a grounding stone that strengthens one’s connection to Mother Earth.
It gives us strength and courage, allowing us stability through times of change. It provides guidance and understanding in situations where we may need to “bounce back”. A calming stone, it is very useful in dissipating anger.
As its name would suggest, the stone comes from the core of the earth. … Known for its grounding and calming healing properties, lava stone is great for stabilizing the root chakra. When the root chakra is stabilized, you feel safe, anchored and more positive.More importantly, for anxiety, lava stones introduce grounding qualities into your life which help calm your emotions. It’s an intense energy, but a calming one.
On a spiritual level, lava stones bring stability. Due to the strong connection to the earth, wearing lava stones grounds you, keeping you calm and humble. #lavabeads crystals bracelet #earthchakra#rootchakra#grounding calm #anger management #geopathicstress management
Ring in this festive season with the auspicious sounds of the 7 metal Om Tibetan Bell!
Benefits :- The Tibetan bell helps generate positive vibrations and sounds to harmonize one’s life and surroundings. Tibetan bell is used for space clearing in Vastu Shastra & Feng Shui.
This Tibetan Om Bell is made of seven planetary metals. It offers a pleasing metallic sound, which can soothe your mind, body & soul instantly. Once rang, the clear sound and tone of the bell go on for quite long, sending positive vibes and energy all around the space and warding off all kinds of negative energy.
Making this Tibetan Om Bell a part of your daily life and ringing it regularly every morning will help you in establishing positive life energy all around you. The clear sound of the bell will fill you and the people around will joyfulness. People with loads of positive energy will make for great relationships. This will eventually encourage everyone in leading a happy and cheerful life.
Benefits of Tibetan Om Bell / Buddhist Bell
This Tibetan Om Bell offers a pleasing sound all over the space
It brings in positive vibes all around the place where used
It effectively wards off any negative energy
It brings in good luck
It soothes your mind, body & soul
It offers to heal of mind and spirit
It offers you joyfulness
It helps in creating a harmonic balance in your life and space
It significantly reduces stress level and anxiety
It lets you relax to a great extent
It helps you in developing concentration
It improves mental health
It balances the chakras of our body and aura
It offers you obtain emotional clarity
It helps you in sorting things better
It improves your overall wellbeing
It will help you appreciate everything in your life
Places Where the Tibetan Om Bell Can Be Used
This Tibetan Om Bell can be used anywhere that you want to fill with positive energy. The clear metallic sound that it offers can effectively make your space filled with positive vibes. You can ring this handbell in places like:
Meditation Centres
Devotional Gatherings
Special Occasions
Business Areas
Commercial Spaces
Home Temples
When you ring this bell, the clear sound and the echo of it keeps reverberating in the area it is being used. It can make you feel great about yourself and the surroundings that you are in while encouraging people to be happy and blessed about what they have. Ringing this Tibetan Om Bell will also encourage people to appreciate the people and things that they have in their life.
Time to RingTibetan Om Bell / Buddhist Bell
Any time of the day
Puja time
Special occasions
While starting something new
While venturing into a new project
Whenever you want to bring in positive energy
While endeavoring into a new journey
Whenever someone is going through a bad phase
When you want to build a positive space
Recommended By:
This Tibetan Om Bell is recommended by everyone who wants to build a great environment full of positive energy and vibes. Whether you are a special person or anyone, in general, you can recommend the use of this amazing Tibetan Om Bell and develop a space full of radiance and delightfulness.
Know About this item
Height : 5.5″ Made from 7-Metals Wooden Stick Included Bell Has a Ringer
Once you make this Tibetan Om Bell a part of your daily life and ring this routinely, you will surely make for a great life with all the life force energy in their positive phase.
Order This Tibetan Om Bell Now and Start Your Journey Towards Blissfulness!
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