Powerful Helpers to Inner Peace

The Pansy

Inner peace is closely related to happiness. From Buddhist philosophy to Mahatma Gandhi and the Dalai Lama, they have all been strong proponents of inner peace.

“The pursuit of inner peace is more important than the search for happiness or success.” – Chris Shea

If you want to find inner peace and happiness, you have come to the right place. The concept of peace (as well as inner peace), its relationship to happiness, and strategies to engage in which may result in an increase of one’s inner peace and happiness. Additionally, some practical mantras and useful quotes are noted as well.

“Inner peace refers to a state of being mentally and spiritually at peace, with enough knowledge and understanding to keep oneself strong in the face of stress”

(Barua, 2014, p. 24).

Inner peace refers to

“a state of calm, serenity and tranquility of mind that arise due to having no sufferings or mental disturbances such as worry, anxiety, greed, desire, hatred, ill-will, delusion and/or other defilements”

(Gogava et al., 2018, p. 4).

“Inner peace refers to emotional self-regulation and the ability to achieve a state of dynamic emotional equilibrium and competence”

(Ward, 2010, p. 48)

*References :

How to Find Inner Peace and Happiness?

1. Nature

Several experts and philosophical treatise have alluded to human’s interaction with nature in increasing one’s inner peace. For instance, Robert Puff, a contributor to Psychology Today noted two types of human-nature interactions that can lead to increment in one’s inner peace and happiness levels.

  • Nature in the short-term: Taking short walks outside on an everyday basis while abstaining from using one’s electronic devices.
  • Nature in the long-term: Taking nature retreats for a few days. These retreats give us an opportunity to avoid day-to-day stress (e.g., work commute, workplace pressure, etc.) and focus on our bodies and minds. Retreats come in several forms and shapes such as visiting national parks, religious and non-religious retreat centers , among others.

When I connect to nature – I feel the oneness and the beauty in the flowers and my soul . It makes me wonder how can I better myself and keep getting every day . How are you motivated to achieve your spiritual goals?

9 qualities of the Periwinkle flower that inspires

A Symbol of Friendship

Most notably, periwinkle highlights the beauty of companionship. This convivial color believes in the power of a strong bond. Whether you’ve started a new relationship or seek to strengthen an existing one, periwinkle will fortify your connection. According to periwinkle, friendships make the world go around. If you’re interested in expanding your inner circle, allow periwinkle to lead the way.


The trials and tribulations of life have yet to impact periwinkle. This childlike hue doesn’t succumb to daily pressures. As a result, it maintains its innocence. Unlike most, periwinkle isn’t cynical. It always gives life a chance, which is a beautiful sentiment. If you’ve grown skeptical and need a fresh outlook on life, emulate periwinkle’s approach.

Embraces Femininity and brings elegance

Periwinkle is feminine and proud of it. It doesn’t mind masculinity, but it has a tough time relating to inherently masculine things. For instance, sports and cars.

Aggressively Enterprising

Nothing stands in periwinkle’s path. This spirited hue has a dogged disposition. If periwinkle sets a goal, it’ll go to great lengths to achieve it. Periwinkle is so tenacious because it doesn’t see failure as an obstacle. Instead, periwinkle regards stumbling blocks as opportunities to grow and learn.


Carefree, cheerful, and optimistic, periwinkle doesn’t take life too seriously. After all, there’s no sense in sweating the small stuff. When problems arise, periwinkle addresses them with patience and understanding. It’s for this reason why periwinkle is always at peace. For the sake of remaining cool, calm, and collected, periwinkle only focuses on what matters.

Promotes Productivity

Since periwinkle doesn’t let trivial matters stand in its way, it doesn’t waste time worrying. This bodes well for productivity. Periwinkle sees negativity as a senseless and debilitating factor. When we allow fear to win, we lose our confidence. In the hopes of staying on track, periwinkle remains positive in all that it does.

Represents Eternal Love

If you gift someone a periwinkle present, you’re expressing your everlasting affection for this person. No doubt a sweet gesture, there’s something especially endearing about the color periwinkle. What’s more, if you receive periwinkle jewelry or some other gift, know that your loved one is sending a strong message. This hue is timeless, which is why it’s indicative of infinite love. In essence, periwinkle is a wholehearted lover.


Though periwinkle is carefree, it can sometimes be careless. While it’s acceptable to have an easygoing character, it’s ill-advised to throw caution to the wind. Unfortunately, periwinkle can sometimes be reckless. Some people are reluctant to interact with periwinkle for fear that they’ll shirk responsibility. Periwinkle means well, but it can be a bad influence from time to time.


Periwinkle is so strong-willed that it doesn’t let impurities contaminate it. In other words, it preserves its integrity at all costs. Though it can be easy to yield to temptation, periwinkle makes it look easy. Given its resilient and bold nature, periwinkle doesn’t entertain immoral desires. Rather than give in to impulses, periwinkle stays loyal to its beliefs and values.