Full Moon Rituals For Cleansing & Manifestation
The full moon, with its intense amount of energy, is a good time for releasing and manifesting. It is important to take action, harness this powerful energy and make use of it in a positive way. Take this time to let go and cleanse. Purge things that no longer serve you, release yourself from old attitudes or thoughts that block you from being your best self. If you are feeling stuck in and having difficulty on moving towards your goals, use this opportunity to tap into the full moon’s energy to bring back growth into your life. Remember that the full moon in its luminescence and brightest phase brings immense energy and amplifies whatever it is that you are thinking, feeling or doing. So stay positive and be positive throughout the full moon.
Make the full moon’s energy work for you. Here are 2 rituals you can perform for cleansing and manifestation.
Full Moon Ritual For Cleansing
What You Need:
Candle and matchbox
Sage stick
Yoga mat
Head to a quiet place outdoors or in a garden, it is best to do this under the moonlight. Find a space where you can sit and lay on your mat.
Light the the candle and center yourself. Think of all the things, patterns and behavior you want to let go in life and begin writing them all down on paper.
“I am ready and willing to let go of…” Say this out loud along with what you have written down on paper. Speaking out gives things more power and makes it more real.
Burn the paper and scatter the ashes on the ground or on water if you are nearby a stream, a river an ocean or lake.
Close your eyes and visualize everything that you are releasing. It could be as symbolic as placing all these things in a box on a boat and sailing it out to sea.
Light the sage stick and wave it across your body and surroundings to cleanse and clear off negative energy.
End with a Cleansing Prayer:
I am now choosing to cleanse myself and release any and all thought forms, beings, situations and energies that are no longer of service to my highest and greatest good… across all planes of my existence, across all universes, and across all lifetimes. I ask that all energies that are less than love be transmuted for the highest good of all. And so it is. YOU ARE LUMINOUS.
Full Moon Ritual For Manifestation
What You Need:
Candle and matchbox
Sage stick
Yoga mat
This ritual best done outdoors under the moonlight but you may also find a peaceful space indoors for performing this ceremony.
Lay your yoga mat on the floor and prepare your sacred altar. Light the candle and set it on your mat together with the sage stick, crystals, pen and paper.
Center yourself and start imagining your goals and dreams. Now visualize these dreams actually happening to you now.
Write the phrase “I Manifest…” on a piece of paper and begin listing down your dreams and desires.
Light the sage stick and wave it across your body and surroundings to clear off any negative energy.
Place the piece of paper by the window where the full moon is shining. If there are trees or any structures blocking the moonlight, don’t worry about it as the intention is there.
End with a Manifestation Prayer:
“Full Moon, I love you. I am grateful for your presence. It is a joy to be with you again. Please, be with me now. Shine your light and love upon my desires. May your energy assist in the manifestation of all of this or better. May I receive all that is in accordance with my highest good. Thank you, thank you, thank you.”
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