‘Becoming’ that Buddha

In Life there are areas where you feel stuck , isnt it ?
And nothing seems to create a shift for you? So how do we bring awareness to those areas?
By ‘Becoming’
By becoming the observer of your own feelings you will come to a greater understanding of yourself and be better able to let things go as negative emotions release their grip on you.
How to become an Observer?
I first came across the notion of being an observer in ‘Thresholds of the Mind’ by Bill Harris. Bill calls it, Finding the Witness.
The idea is that part of you observes what is happening even as it happens. When you observe in this way you feel as if you are standing outside yourself and observing how you’re feeling, what you are doing, and how you’re interacting with your environment.
You learn incredible amounts about yourself by doing this and after a really short space of time you begin to have a greater understanding of your emotions. This gives you a choice to respond better to your emotions.
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