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The magic of Lava crystals beads

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Some of the metaphysical and healing properties of lava rock or basalt

Brings physical and mental strength and courage

Raises energy levels

1-Increases Libido

2-Calms emotions

3-Enhances Creativity

4-Brings Stability

5-Helps with anger management

6-Considered to be a fertility stone for women

7-Considered to be anti-bacterial, anti-viral and disinfectant

8-Cleanses Negativity.

Perfect way to wear lava stone as it should typically, be worn in a way that it touches the skin directly, such as the bracelets and necklaces, so nothing will block the absorption of energy.Stone is a grounding stone that strengthens one’s connection to Mother Earth.

It gives us strength and courage, allowing us stability through times of change. It provides guidance and understanding in situations where we may need to “bounce back”. A calming stone, it is very useful in dissipating anger.

As its name would suggest, the stone comes from the core of the earth. … Known for its grounding and calming healing properties, lava stone is great for stabilizing the root chakra. When the root chakra is stabilized, you feel safe, anchored and more positive.More importantly, for anxiety, lava stones introduce grounding qualities into your life which help calm your emotions. It’s an intense energy, but a calming one.

On a spiritual level, lava stones bring stability. Due to the strong connection to the earth, wearing lava stones grounds you, keeping you calm and humble. #lavabeads crystals bracelet #earthchakra#rootchakra#grounding calm #anger management #geopathicstress management

(Courtesy : Internet sources + own photography )