Use the imagination of DNA Reiki and your Brain’s Software program to Free yourself from resentments from your DNA!
“Be your own person. Be a conscious co-creator.”
I thanked spirit and my inner divinity and goddess for guiding me as I channeled the message and set out to design the resentment code program.
One fine day I was posting inspirational messages for my clients on the computer and there came a download in my heart – Do you want to let go of Resentment? Of what use it is for you and what kind of energy is it fulfilling within you? I instantly said to my inner guides/Inner council – “Oh no, I’m not in favour of holding back any energy –please help me resolve it!”

(Photography : Ranjini’s own photography )
Let’s decode “Regrets” using the software developer lingo..using DNA Reiki
The regret list can be longer or smaller depending on how you have been dealing or addressing regrets in your life. Some people do something about it by making new choices or taking action and changing their energy and mindset. Some people chose to live in regrets and resentments.
Here are the Instructions for decoding it as suggested by my council. Firstly before receiving this download you are giving your full consent to the Divine Creator ,Reiki Masters, Soul Guides and keepers of the Light to free yourself from this pattern.
So for a moment, I’m going to ask you to take a piece of pen and paper and write down all the regrets that you have about your life or career or about relationships…Wish you had or Wish you hadn’t.

Once you have completed the list, Bring your focus and attention to your brain and heart and gut. Imagine this bug called ‘Regret’ has entered your system like a computer virus.
And you have been wanting to let go of this energy but did not know how?
Suddenly you have access to an anti-virus software to it! It’s in the form of a USB or “Sei Hei Ki” key aka as a software program code (DNA).

See yourself installing it with a CD or USB having SHK key- SHK is inserting into your brain, heart and gut.
Turn the SHK key and enter the passkey (as per your creative Imagination)
Let’s name the passkey as “Progress” & “Leap” and 10-17 (Switchword Number 10 raised to the power of -17 ) (*website )
See your organs processing these software codes. Imagine some clearing is happening inside…some spaces are clearing for new things to enter your life.
Some creative visual images for Subconscious mind to believe it’s happening is to see it being deleted or uninstalled from your system.
Idea here is to visualise command prompt “Delete Regret Software” Confirm Y or N –Are you sure? Press Y button to continue.”Uninstall complete”100% to 0% .
Uninstalling the imprints. Formatting and re-installing New Blueprints for resentment from Heart Chakra.
Once you feel the job of completely uninstalling or deleting the VIRUS called REGRET is done, It will prompt you -Do you want to install “PROGRESS” or “UPGRADE to LEAP” software?
Again, Y or No as a command prompt to choose the software code and enter CHK symbol passkey to proceed…Once you press Y to confirm see the CHK symbol software installing into your brain,heart and gut and see it getting done from 0% in 100% in less than _3_ mins / 33 seconds.

Intend and Intone CHK Symbol 333 (3 raised to the power of 33 times)
And know you are ready to move forward in your life.
You are now FREE from any past regrets or resentments in your life ….
You could now reprogram the new software that you want …
Now re-designing a new empowering program is your choice!
Give Reiki to the Mind ,Heart and Gut and close with GASSHO gratitude prayer and thank your guides.
This meditation was channeled from Ranjini Rao’s Light Council members on 03/03/2020
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