Browse Tag: work from home

Back Strengthening with Yoga – Part 1

Folks Firstly a very Happy new year 2022 !

From the last 2 weeks in 2021 and first week of Jan 2022, I was sort of experiencing back pain and muscle spasms .

As it the number of cases are peaking I was looking for solutions from an alternative therapy side . I found some useful physiotherapy / yoga exercises that I started practising and thought It would be useful for you folks too!

Remember to consult your doctor / physician before trying out these exercises if there is severe pain or discomfort. Yoga/Physiotherapy is not a cure but a preventive cure to back pain or escalating the muscle from going soar.

Here are some from my archives : All these exercises need to be done on a flat surface with a comfortable yoga mat spread on the floor or ensure the surface is flat on the bed and you are lying on your back . All exercises can be done thrice ( 3 times )

Tail Bone Lifting

Both legs to chest , Alternate leg to chest lift

Both knees spinal twist ( right and left )

Lying on the Stomach exercises:

Right knee to the side for 5 mins

8 Yoga Poses You Can Do In Bed Before You Sleep - DoYou
Source : Internet

Cat and Camel Stretch

Exercises for low back pain: Detailed, easy to follow illustrations.

Push ups

Video: Modified pushup - Mayo Clinic

2 pillows under the hips and bend the knee and lift hip

No More Knee Pain! - Dance Spirit

Lie on the stomach and hands behind & lift chest up

Exercise for Iliocostalis Muscle Pain Syndrome | Osteopath in Hatfield