Rose Quartz
Crystals are well known for their healing power. Crystals and stones are used to channelize positive energy to gain good mental & physical health since ancient times. Rose quartz is a pink colored healing crystal. It reinstates anger, misery and hatred, paranoia into compassion and magnifies love, faith and inner peace. It aids in building relations and also helps one to come out from the feeling of self-pity.
Who should be considering wearing this?
Rose quartz is useful for the people who can’t control their emotions.
It is useful for those who are obsessed or fearful. Having trust issues with others. It is ideal for those who are possessive & can’t control the anger.
Why should you consider this?
Rose quartz helps in balancing emotions and in developing the sentiment of gratitude, trust, self-love and assurance. It also enhances the feeling of self-acceptance. It maintains good circulatory & cardiovascular health. It also helps females during childbirth. It also facilitates good sleep in adults and children and prevents nightmares. It is also helpful for those children who are afraid of the dark.
Because of its calming nature it is useful for trauma management.
How to wear it?
It is advised to wear it in a long chain so it remains close to your heart and works effectively. It removes all kinds of insecurity, builds self-confidence and brings feelings of love.
Chakra Enhancer: Chakras are energy centers of the body that represent free flow of positive energy in the body. Crystals remove blockage of energy and enhance the power of chakras.
Heart chakra is symbolized with unconditional love and your acceptance for situations and people. Physically it is associated with Thymus gland, heart, lungs, immune system, breast, hands and arms. If your heart chakra is not working well, you will be stressed, fluctuate in blood pressure and heart rate. Rose quartz enhances heart chakra, also known as Anahata. It revives compassion, forgiveness, unconditional love & builds trust. Keeps you calm in crisis or painful situations.
Element: Water and Earth.
Planet: Venus