7 Types of Spirit Guides & How They Help You!
You have spirit guides! I believe this statement to be true regardless of who you are, where you come from, what choices you’ve made in the past and what your life looks like now.
The term “Spirit Guide” is general. It refers to spirit beings who offer a positive source of guidance, support and help in your life.
Spirit Guides is a general term, because it can refer to a multitude of types of spirit beings, who have many unique roles, and areas of life they may support you with.
7 Types of Spirit Guides
Here is a look at some of most common types of spirit guides available for you to work with in your life, and the areas they are best able to serve and assist you.

An ancestor spirit guide is a spiritual guide connected to you through your genetic or spiritual lineage.
They may be deceased loved ones you knew in your lifetime who are now guiding you from the realms of spirit.
But more often the case, ancestor guides come from further back in your lineage. This could be a great, great, great grandmother… Or someone like an ancient Yogi Guru you followed in a past incarnation.
Ancestor spirits guide and support you in many ways. They may step forward as guides to support you in healing, wounding, limiting beliefs or traumas that have been passed down through generations, or they may be practical day-to-day guides.
Wise and avatar like ancestors can also be teacher guides, and incredible allies for you in uncovering your spiritual gifts, and remembering how to vibrantly thrive in your life.

Angels are spiritual beings from the angelic hierarchy who can act as Divine messengers and spiritual guides for humanity. Angels, Archangels and Guardian Angels are the types of angelic beings that most often work with humans directly.
Angels work with people by communicating messages, transmitting uplifting and inspiring energies, as well as triggering your intuition and offering nudges of guidance to keep you moving in the right direction throughout your incarnation.
Your guardian angel is the angel who has stepped forward at the time of your birth and volunteered to support you through your life. They know your unique soul purpose, mission, and also strengths and can guide and support you in coming into your highest truth and vibrantly thriving in your life.
Although angels are documented in many religions, they themselves are not religious! They guide all humans regardless of religion, gender etc… and your guardian angel can be an incredible spirit guide and ally when you consciously cultivate your direct connection.
For connecting with angels, I always recommend starting with your personal guardian angel.
3-Star Beings
Benevolent star beings can act as spirit guides for members of humanity, especially Starseed souls.
I often call the star beings who act as guides for me “Galactic Family“.
A Star being spirit guide may be a being who you have known in past or future life incarnation in some other star system like the Pleiades, Arcturian, Andromedon, Lyrian, Sirian, Orion Star System, and many others.
Star Being guides are most often present to help us as humanity and individuals to evolve, grow as souls, and progress on the ascension path. In my opinion the most helpful star being guides who have been through the ascension process, and can now help us to navigate the present ascension journey we as humanity are undergoing.
4-Ascended Masters

Ascended Masters are the spiritual beings who have lived earthly lives and mastered their paths of spiritual transformation to ascend.
They can be powerful teacher guides for us on our personal ascension paths and their goal is our enlightenment.
Ascended Masters have been down in the trenches so to speak and so they deeply understand the emotional and physical challenges we help, and can offer powerful guidance to help us learn our lessons and more vibrantly thrive in our lives.
There are many Ascended Masters who are now act as a spirit guide for humanity… Some well known Ascended Master Guides include:
Mother Mary
Yeshua /Jesus,
Quan Yin
Saint Germain
Sanat Kumara
.. and many more!
5-Animal Spirit Guides
Animal Spirit Guides, also known as Power Animals, or Totems, are types of spirit guides that show up in animal form.
They guide us in our lives through relaying inspiration, offering healing, and even lending direct support in challenging times. Animal guides spiritual focus is around helping you to thrive as a physical being which includes staying grounded, centered and in tune with the earth. This does not mean that they don’t have powerful spiritual wisdom, magic and power to relay though.
Certain animal spirit guides like Jaguar, Vulture, or Snake are well known for traveling through the veil between the physical and spirit world, and when they show up in your life it may be to help you to the same.
Other types of spirit animal guides show up in your experience to offer their protection, support you in overcoming fear, or they lend specific attributes and wisdom you need.
6-Gods and Goddesses

Gods and goddesses are the spiritual beings who in certain cultures or spiritual traditions are honored as being Divine.
Goddesses and gods are vehicles for Divine energy, and they often have vibrant stories, personalities, and character traits that give a face to the Divine Life Force.
They are typically beings who have gone through a physical incarnation journey in another cycle, another epoch of time, and they now live in the spirit world and act as allies and often teacher guides for those still on physical incarnation journeys.
As spirit guides, gods and goddesses don’t take the place of the One Source of Divine, the All… Rather, they offer an example or template for how certain Divine qualities manifest.
We can see goddesses and gods present in many cultures, eras, and spiritual traditions. They’re also sometimes called heroes, divinities, devas or immortals.
Sometimes you may be drawn to the guides from your own heritage, while other times a goddess you’re connected with is because of a past or parallel life connection you have with this being.
Some well-known names of gods and goddesses include beings like: Hathor, Lakshmi, Ganesha, Odin, Freya, Yemanya, Oshun Venus, Horus, Thoth, and many, many more!
7-Elemental Spirit Guides
An Elemental is a spirit who inhabits one of the earth elements such as earth, fire, air or water. Elementals are not all benevolent allies for humanity, but one that is, could be seen as an Elemental Spirit Guide.
There are four key types of elementals depending on the element they work with and are associated with.
Gnomes are the elemental beings connected to the Earth element. Undines are connected to water. Sylphs are connected to the element of air, and Pyraustas (sometimes called Salamanders) are the elemental beings connected to the warmth ether and to fire.
People who are closely connected to nature may in turn sense a connection with the elemental beings who inhabit places such as trees, mountains, lakes, streams, and lava fields.
Through this connection these elemental beings can act as a spirit guide who helps to unlock deeper layers of wisdom held in the living library that is the Earth and influence the tone of your consciousness.
8- What Are Elementals Faeries?
Elementals occupy the Realm of Faery, also sometimes called the “Middle Kingdom” in Celtic spirituality.
Besides the 4 types of elemental beings, there are many kinds of beings who dwell in the etheric and astral levels of the Earth, and that sustain nature and humankind. Flower faeries, tree elves and nature sprites are some of these additional types of beings. (along with detrimental elemental beings created from disharmonious thoughts and feelings and are often behind nature catastrophes, etc.)
How do you know your spirit guide?
Knowing which of these types of guides are on your spirit team or with you in any moment is all about awareness. You likely have or have had support from each of these types of guides throughout your life.
Pay attention to the signs, synchronicities, dreams and guidance you receive in meditation to help deepen your awareness and reveal the intricate connections you have with spiritual beings.
Source : Warden Book House
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