Reiki ,Mantra therapy and Vedic Astrology
As a vedic astrology student and learner in life , I am pursuing Vedic astrology from SIVA – Sarvamangala Institute of Vedic Astrology , It sort of integrates my journey into Life Design mandalas with astronomy. I want to share my perspectives of being on a spiritual quest from a long time -led me to the mystical workings of the planetary energies.

Whenever there is an eclipse or Retrograde , you can pray and surround your aura with positive vibes and the best is chanting mantras and lighting a lamp or a strong intention for protection against the negative effect of the lunar or solar eclipse.
Also as Channels of Reiki , me and my Reiki friends, lately have been experiencing or observing thought waves having lower & negative energies and not so pleasant to deal with .- which are universal or collective projections.
If you have been experiencing or noticing the same let’s all put an intent that these fears and anxieties and lower vibrations dissipate and dissolve along with the eclipse. Please feel to ask for help. Do not take hasty decisions or actions. These global phenomenons don’t have power over us but they do affect people who are extremely sensitive or with a weaker mind/disturbed emotional state. They could be driven to take decisions that may not be fruitful later on .Hence care needs to be taken to not hurry up any decisions till the air or atmosphere around becomes clearer. I am no expert but just sharing a few mantras that can come handy during these times.
I have been listening to some of these and they do have powerful vibes. Chant Aum Namah Shivaya 1008 times
Chant Navagraha mantras Prayers for The Sun Lord either Surya Gayatri or Aditya Hrudhayam
Also chant Hanuman Chalis or listen to it here
Universal Peace Mantra
|| Loka Samantha Sukhino bhavantu || 3 times
To your health and abundance and protection.
Stay safe. My guru’s are Dr Bala Chandra ji and Shailaja Iyer ji PS This is purely my personal opinion and perspective I may be wrong and hence be corrected by my gurus.
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